Our Goals
Hope For Every Woman has been established to care for every aspect of a woman's life.
Based on Biblical preaching and teaching we will:
Introduce women to a personal relationship with Jesus.
Teach women how to develop a disciplined devotional life.
Help women find their identity and value in Christ.
Empower women to walk in their God-given purpose and destiny.
Encourage women to use their spiritual gifts within the context of their local church fellowship and Christian community.
Create an environment for women to develop their gifts, talents and abilities.
Teach women relationship development skills in different relational settings e.g. as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunty, friend, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, employer, employee, ministerial duties.
Help women develop a spirit of excellence in every facet and arena of life.
Help women recognise the season they are in and function fully in it, whether married or single, in education or in business, in full-time employment or home making.
Help women cultivate inner beauty and outer beauty by teaching courses on:
Personal hygiene.
Make-up and cosmetics.
General and female health.
Help women to be positive in their communities and encourage them to get involved in their local councils.
Encourage women to be active participators in the education of their children by volunteering to be in their children’s schools PTA and support school events and functions.
Where not offered by their local churches, create support groups for:
The bereaved
Newly weds
Teach basic computer skills to women from ethnic minorities who might not have had opportunities to learn.
Work with churches to establish learning centres.
Offer basic literacy and numeracy skills to women who are second language speakers of English.
Inform about education links and community colleges that may offer simple, basic courses.
Encouraging creativity through arts and crafts.
Female prison visits/outreaches by establishing relationships and working with local chaplains.
Organising special events for residents in hospital who are without family. Events will include calendar month events such as:
Mother’s Day
Establish the Hope For Every Woman organisation nationally and internationally.
Community centres where women are able to visit at any time for support and care, even if they would simply like a cup of tea and a chat.
Rehabilitation centres for the abused and self-abusing (any drug related case, eating disorders, self-harming, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse).
Support groups for young pregnant women, which offers counseling, training for baby and child care, help and support to establish them independently once they have given birth.
Help women start their own businesses and encourage entrepreneurial skills so that they can improve their quality of living and benefit their communities.
Funding orphanages in Sub Saharan Africa for Aids victims where the disease is rife.