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Pour Out Your Heart

Dear Precious Ladies

Welcome the final month of the year, the month of December!

By God's grace we have made it! Many women and girls like us remained in November. Some had their sun set due to various reasons such as miscarriages, abortions, still births, illness, road accidents, plane crashes, murder, suicide, civil wars, the Ebola virus, terrorist attacks, the list is endless... Yet you and I are still here. Despite what was in our year God has allowed us to still occupy a place on earth. His love, mercy and grace sustained us and we have a reason to praise the Lord. As we start this season of love and giving, the season we celebrate the birth of our saviour we must count our blessings and name them one by one, it will surprise us what the Lord has done for us in this year. None of us had a perfect year but we have been blessed by having the presence of God no matter what we faced or did not face. Considering that some women had it tougher than us we can stop and give thanks. God has crowned our year with His goodness. Even on the lowest day you had so far this year, the Lord's invisible hand got you when you could have fallen off the edge. Some of you were thrown into dark pits like Joseph and had no clue how you would come out but God reached out and got you out. He sent you help right on time even from unexpected places. Some of you were rejected, betrayed and accused of so many things but you are still here! The Lord himself vindicated you and is still fighting on your behalf! Some of you got amazing opportunities and you grew on every side. Its still the hand of the Lord. There are those of you whose children went astray and brought you pain and sorrow but there is still hope for them because Jehovah has the final say. Some of you faced relationship challenges, separation and divorce. Even though this is sad, you still have your life and there is room for you to still make it in life.

I want to encourage you all my sisters to embrace and come to terms with the reality that God loves you and treasures you as individuals.You matter to Him and He has great plans for you. He wants you to be made whole and not have a bleeding leaking heart. He is a great healer and comforter of hearts. To those who have no might and are weary He gives strength. For those who are doing well He increases your capacity to do even more. Truthfully reflect on where you are now and allow Him to come and take you to your next level. Examine the contents of your heart and pour out everything at the foot of the cross! You do not want to end the year 2014 on a low note because that is how you will usher in 2015. Let Him soothe you and empower you for 2015. Repent of your wrong doings and choose to walk in the light. Refuse to be inhabited by negative stuff like gossip, insecurity, competition, strife, envy, jealous, inferiority complex, bitterness, unforgiveness, pride, greed, sexual sins, critical and fault finding attitudes, and all forms of a victim mentality. Be a vessel of honour because unto us the Saviour was born to set us free! When you empty your heart and pursue Him, He will fill you afresh and crown your December with goodness.


It’s not too late for the Lord to surprise you like He surprised me at the KICC WINNING WOMEN'S CONFERENCE 2014 where I was honoured and given gifts by Pastor Yemisi Ashimolowo. I went there pursuing Jesus and desiring to be refreshed so that I can radiate the love of God even more. The Lord who saw what I was doing in secret rewarded me. I am ending my 2014 on a high note because of Jesus. I have decided that no matter what I face whether positive or negative it does not alter my value in God and I will not be silenced. I am a blessed woman and I am blessed to bless and there will always be a reason for me to praise the Lord. My intentional purpose is to glorify God in whichever avenue I can and to be a blessing everywhere I go and to proclaim that through Jesus there is hope for every woman under the sun to make it in life and to do great things that will bring glory and honour to God. I am here to advance the kingdom of God in and through all the roles I play in life starting with my marriage and family life spreading to everything else I do. My best part is to worship Christ the King and to make Him known!!! I love you all and I pray that your December is crowned with goodness leading to a great 2015. Don't forget to share the newsletter with your friends and to visit us on our website ( and Facebook.

We will be sharing highlights with you. Have a blessed month!

Pastor Fatima Sibanda

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