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February, The Month of Favour


Welcome to the fabulous, favourable month of February. We thank God for seeing us through the month of January.

The year 2016 is certainly moving forward, so must we. We could pine and yearn for January, we could try and hold on to it, and try to stretch it further in order to accomplish certain things, but we can't. The time allocated to it has gone and that door has been permanently closed.

The good thing is, God has opened a new door for us so we should make wise choices and avoid taking anything that does not benefit us and others into this new door. We must not allow the issues of January to creep into our February and rob us of the success that God has planned for us.

I believe that this month will be fabulous and that the Lord will surround us with His favour like a shield. “Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favour as with a shield.” (Psalm 5:12). To surround means: to be all around someone; to form a border around; to encircle and enclose on all sides; to confine on all sides in order to avoid escaping; and in the army it means to deploy forces all round. Favour is a powerful word that denotes underserved kindness and continual benefits. It also implies preference, approval, support and advantage.

As we proceed with this month I pray that you may be enclosed on all sides in his favour. I pray that you may not escape from this encirclement of preference, continual benefits, support and advantage. I pray that God will deploy His angelic forces around you and your loved ones. May your feet be planted on higher ground than you were in January. Receive the grace to let go of January and step into all God has for you in February.

Greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world. God will cause you to leap over all the obstacles and hindrances to your success in this leap year. Psalm 18:29,“With your help I will run through an army, with help from my God I leap over walls.” (ISV)

Have a fabulous, favourable month!

I am inviting you all to our annual Celebrating Womanhood Conference on the 4th and 5th of March. Do pray for us. We are expecting a special visitation and a life changing encounter with the Lord. Here is the link with the conference information: Woman of Worship.

Be blessed and much love

Pastor Fatima Sibanda

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