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Your Shepherd


Dear Precious Ladies

Wow, we have completed the first four months of the year and we are still here.

Thanks be unto the Lord for allowing us to continue on His earth! As David rightly puts it, “The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it…” (Psalm 24:1 NIV) My sisters, we are part of everything on earth so that means we belong to Him and He cares for us. David also calls us the sheep of His pasture. “Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his people, the sheep of his pasture." (Psalm 100:3) In Psalm 23 David describes the Lord as our shepherd. During biblical times sheep were completely dependent on the shepherd to guide them, provide for them and protect them. Shepherds knew each one of their sheep closely. They knew the condition of their sheep at any point in time. They would lead them to good places to graze. In various seasons shepherds would spend their nights with the sheep. They would sleep at the door of the sheepfold. Shepherds valued the life of their sheep that they fought wolves and wild animals just to defend and protect their sheep. The injured and those with young would get extra attention. Shepherds were known to lay down their lives for the sheep. If the sheep went astray the shepherds would look for them and bring them back. My sisters this is the essence of what we are as the Lord's sheep.


As we proceed with the month of May I want to encourage you to completely depend on Jesus. He has already sustained us the first quarter of this year. He will continue to lead us and to guide us. We can trust Him with our daily needs and cares. He is the restorer of our souls and the protector of our hearts. He is our healer and comforter. He is our vindicator and He fights all our battles. We belong to Him and He knows everything about us. He sees everything and he hears everything. In this month of May I encourage you to trust in Him. Each day that you wake up this month know that your shepherd is waiting to lead you through the day. You shall not lack anything you need to accomplish God's plan for you for this month. There is fresh oil for your head. You will think clearly and you will make wise choices. This is your month of walking besides still waters for your Shepherd will not lead you to perilous places. May God bless you richly in this month of May. May you make progress spiritually and in every other area of your life. May it be well with your family both natural and spiritual. May you operate under open heavens and may you experience uncommon favour from the Great Shepherd and Bishop of your soul.

Much love and blessings,

Pastor Fatima Sibanda

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