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Like a Bird out of a Cage


Dear Precious Ladies

June is fast moving on! We thank God for allowing us into the 6th month of the year. This is the month that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Any one of us could have been in Nepal where buildings fell on people and wiped out families from the face of the earth due to earthquakes. We could have been part of those women and children who perished in the waters trying to go and look for a better life in Europe. We could have been one of those who tragically died in May. Look what the Lord has done, we are still alive no matter what our first five months were like. In Psalm 124 David describes various circumstances that came his way that could have swallowed him alive. He even alludes to the fact that the waters could have overwhelmed him had it not been for the Lord. He praises the Lord for not having allowed negative things and obstacles he faced to overcome him. His soul escaped from that which wanted to crush him and finish him off. The snare to enslave him was broken and he escaped like a bird out of a cage. David ended that psalm by declaring that his help to overcome all these challenges that threatened the health of his soul had come from the Lord.


My dear sisters there is help that comes from above. The word help also means support, assistance, to make easier, to provide what is necessary, to accomplish a task, to relieve, to guide, to benefit and to nourish. As we proceed with the month of June I want to assure you that God is going to support and assist you. He will provide what is necessary for you to accomplish the tasks set before you in June. He will nourish your soul with his love and his word. The Lord is going to make it easier for you. He will guide you and direct your steps. You will not be caged your soul has already escaped. Rest assured that you are not going to do the journey of June alone. Because the Lord made heaven and earth, He has power over everything happening in heaven and on earth. When it comes to your life He has the final and only say. This is our month. We will and are rejoicing in it no matter what may come our way, there is help and support for us. I love and pray for you precious women. Have a great month.

Much love,

Pastor Fatima Sibanda

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